Monday 30 April 2018

Extremism leading Towards Dystopian World of Humans

Contributed by: Ramsha Mohsan

Are human means to spoil the peace? Do different religious faiths call us towards the destruction of the world?  Unfortunately, we “human beings” are doing so! Population of the world is flourishing day by day however, humanity; essence of life; is few and far between. What we focus on? We think we strengthen our relationship with God merely by offering religious obligations but it’s not so! Do we have any moral obligations towards other persons? Today’s man acrimony swamped his conscience.
Humans are the protagonist of all the creations of God. Our scientists are renowned; we are exploring the universe, conquering the moon and on the way towards other planets, knowing more facts about animals than we know about ourselves, know more about physical sciences, have imaginations and ideas for better lifestyle. But, somewhere in the way to progress and civilization we have lost ourselves as humans. We lost our purpose and meaning of being here, we believe we own the planet. Number of humans is increasing tremendously but all are without spirit of love. Recent survey demographics show that total number of humans is 7.4 billion estimated on August 2016*. The United Nations estimates, it will further increase to 11.2 billion in 2100*, out of this huge number there are only a few people who have soft corner towards God’s creation. Pages of history are glittered with matchless benevolent people such as Abdul Satar Edhi, Abraham Lincoln, Lady Diana and many more but, today such people are rare. Humans are changing devilish.
There exists thirst of blood in so called humans. Atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Brutality in Kashmir, bloodshed of Muslims in Syria, Burma, Yemen, Paris and Palestine. Terrorist attacks of 9/11 and Madina on 5th July 2016. Suicide bombing and terrorism in Pakistan killing 35,000 people including APS attack on 16 December 2014 show another cruel face of humans. In fact, humans are flawed, we are not afraid of aliens or monsters but we are afraid of humans!
As Thomas L. Friedman says that
“It is not about whales anymore, it’s about us.”
Increasing street crimes, murders, suicide attempts, child labor, harassing of women, trafficking, kidnaping and smuggling of women and children and corruption are the other factors which mars the peace of the society and makes earth a place not worth living. According to FIA figures, the agency secured conviction of up to 1730 traffickers/agents in the first 9 months of 2009.this figure makes an increase compared with convictions in 2006 and 2008 publically reported as 1448 and 1411 people respectively. The figure however significantly below the 5022 convictions reported for 2007 which seemed to have had an accelerated rate of trial and conviction*.
Would you think that people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki attain their initial position mentally and financially up till now? Had the children, mothers, wives, sisters and brothers of victims no aggression and grief? Are powerful and weak treated on equal basis? Is there use of merit and moral ways to attain success? Is justice and basic needs such as food, education and health facilities are equally available to all the citizens? Is there implication of laws on everyone? Is there respect of everyone and his opinion irrespective of his cast, creed and religion? In fact, the reasons of these happenings are deeply rooted in our social systems.
Misuse of power, authority and money to humiliate other people can cause violence and feelings of being inferior. Justice, education, health facilities, jobs, become a privilege rather than a right. Due to a large difference in social and wealth status, poor is becoming poorest and rich is becoming richest continuously. People invest most of the money on meaningless things while the others are lingering due to hunger and poverty. Illiteracy is another prominent factor every child is not going to school due to lack of resources, on the other hand jobs are spirit away using unfair means by ineligible candidates. For today’s politicians grasping money is something greater, more important, than Promoting innovative ideas, education and talent.
Maybe you think feelings as illusion because they cannot give you anything, but it is something superior then material things, because feelings make a man, human. Poverty and injustice is a slow and invisible killer which overcomes the good will and kind heart of human and destroys the balance of society. That is the point where religion, conscience, amity and faith vanishes and the only thing which remains is the love to one’s own survival. Man become harsh and become lethal when he is not given even the right to live. When a man continuously faces his rights to be swept off by one’s feet, given by God, he become barbarous.
To exclude such behavior from our society we have not to change the society, we just must change ourselves and our approach towards the social issues. People of a society have different school of thoughts and religions and have mystic relationship with God, how we treat the people depend on our faith and relation with God. As man is connected through feelings and relations so there is a need to respect and value everyone without discrimination.  Do not do that, to others, what you do not want others to do to you.
“We have the capability and responsibility, we must act before it is too late” (The Dalai Lama)
Everything is impossible until we make it possible; we must change ourselves, change our system and to treat others with equality. Inhumanity only comes when it is forced to come. Humanity and love of creation is the quiddity of all the religions. We must leave our success or failure on God, as He planned better for us. This will lead towards the economic and social development of Pakistan in the world.

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