Birds can fly, animals can walk, fishes can swim but a man can do all of this. Man is the best
creation of Almighty God. It’s better to be a human rather than being an angel but it entails much
hard work. Allah Almighty has given complete freedom to everyone to desire and dream. He does
not stop a beggar from dreaming and praying for kingship. It’s the man who has introduced the
word ‘impossible’ in between himself and his dreams as a barrier. When one is ready to remove this
barrier he can pave his way to his passion and hence to success. It’s all about the way you look,
impossible becomes ‘I’m possible’ for those who believe. The people who believe in their dreams do
not need an alarm clock, there passion wakes them in the dawn and keeps them awaken till late
Article by: Fahad Khan
Positive Pakistan
“If someone can do it than you can do it,
if no one can do it than you must do it”.
(M.A Jinnah)
Every educated Muslim is aware of the story of the great Tariq bin zayad. When he and his
army, reached at the coast of Spain to triumph over it, he ordered to burn all of their boats. As per
his orders, all the boats were burnt and the only way of going back was shut. There was no option
left except success so they succeeded. A person who is ready to burn his boats will get success. Such
a burning desire to achieve one’s goal is called ‘passion’. Big results require big ambitions and
sacrifices. When success is not merely an option but the only option, it becomes passion. Passion is
Hazrat Ibrahim’s (A.S) faith that urged him to sacrifice his son in the path of God, passion is the
bravery of 313 warriors of Ghazwa-e-Badar that enabled them to defeat an army of thousands ,
passion is Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) prayer that made the sun wait for him, passion is Edison’s consistency
that commended him to continue his experiment even after failing 10,000times, passion is Iqbal’s
ideology that swayed over 16 lac muslims to shed their blood and millions to migrate while leaving
their homes for the sake of this nation.
“Do it with passion or not at all.”
Every success story begins with a desire but an ordinary wish or desire can’t be fruitful
unless it is converted into a fiery aspiration. Its example is like a person drowning in a sea. At such
an instance his utmost desire will be to get his nose out of the water and breath. It will be a desire
for which he is ready to sacrifice anything. When you are in love with your goal and ready to pay
any cost to achieve it, you are passionate and this passion will lead you to success.
“A man sees in the world, what he carries in his heart.”

“Have the passion, take the action & magic will happen.”
Two shoes manufacturing companies sent their employees to Africa for marketing of their
product so as they could increase the sales. When both the employees reached, they were amazed
to see that majority of the population there does not wear shoes. Employee of one company who
was a negative thinker wrote to his company: “Our product can’t be sold here as majority of people
do not wear shoes”. The employee of second company who was a man of positive attitude wrote to
his company with enthusiasm that there will be a lot of sale here because majority is bare footed.
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t,
You are right.”
A renowned American psychologist William James once said that a great invention of 20th
century is that we can change our lives by changing our way of thinking. According to a survey
carried out in 1982, 94% of the successful people considers there positive attitude as a reason of
their success. Very lately a study from Harvard University ensued in positive attitude contributing
85% to the success whereas intelligence and education likely take part together 15% only. It
portrays that a powerful and faster man does not always win the battle of life, the winner is the one
who dreams about being a winner.
“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion.
For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”
Pakistan, an astonishing example of unrivalled passion, came into being on the basis of an
ideology devised by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. What Iqbal thought was not realistic for the
majority of people at that time and they called his ideology “a dream of insane” but then the world
had seen how his belief turned into a reality. Pakistan is not merely a piece of land, it’s the belief of
those who knew tomorrow’s today, the faith of those who shed their blood, the passion of those
who sacrificed their homes, families and everything they had, for a place they had never seen. You
know why? Because they believed what they dreamt. This is the power of dreaming, the influence of
belief and the magic of passion. Today, being a “Shaheen of Iqbal” it is our responsibility to value
our identity, to have faith on our ideology and passion to work day and night for the progress of this
marvelous benediction of Almighty Allah. Because the one who will betray this nation, will be
destroyed in the world hereafter. Let us promise Iqbal today that we will develop our “Khudi”, will
retain our pride, will live with dignity and Inshaa Allah will die with honor.
“A mote endowed with a strong desire of flight,
Can reach the sun and moon with effort slight.
If chest of partridge fire and zeal emit,
My friend, in fight with hawk it can acquit.”
(Allama Iqbal)