Contributed by: Naureen Fatima,the Deputy Content Coordinator, Positive Pakistan e-magazine
The Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has invited all the parties of the Convention to join in the 25th Anniversary of the CBD including different activities i.e., organizing and hosting celebrations at the local level on 22nd May 2018, “the International Day for Biological Diversity”(IDB). This year, the theme announced by the Secretariat for the IBDS will be:” Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity”. The theme was selected in order to mark the 25th anniversary for the enforcement of the CBD and to review the actions taken and the achievements of the Aichi Targets at domestic and global levels.
All member Parties of the Convention and conservation organizations are encouraged by UN Secretariat to organize different activities and the celebration events for the International Day for the Biological Diversity (IDB). They need to involve in different capacity building workshops in order to create awareness about the causes of biodiversity losses and different strategies that can help in order to conserve the threatened species of flora and fauna of any area.The different environmental organizations also need to showcase their work for the nature conservation and the success stories in the tenure of the last 25 years after of the CBD Convention. These stories and advocacy sessions will help not only in creating awareness in the society among local people but also guide them in taking actions in order to achieve the Aichi Targets till 2020.