[content title="Report"]Report by: Anzar Nawaiz
Positive Pakistan
survey conducted had a good response. Almost equal number of male and
female participated with difference of 1 percent only in between the
participation. Majority of the people taking part in the survey were
found to be the dwellers of the city. Majority lived around the areas
with the moderate and denser population. The temperature they found in
their areas varied according to the environmental and atmospheric
conditions in their areas. Family parks are present abundantly but
almost in 30 percent areas they are not present. For the question of
quantity of trees people responded affirmatively. Garbage in the areas
of the respondents is collected properly. This question was put to see
whether the environment is clean or not. The choice of answer also
varied when it came to the time that people have to consume to travel to
family parks. Some family parks are situated far apart from the houses
but that might be due to place congestion where the population is
denser. The most important question regarding this survey was about how
many trees you plant? This question was aimed to check how much we are
contributing to our environment. Out of 100 percent people only 23
percent were those who plant trees every year.
[content title="About Us"]Positive Pakistan
Positive Pakistan is an organization meant for young leaders who are inspired the philosophy of Dr. Mohammad Iqbal – poet of the east. Its objective is to increase awareness of Iqbal’s “two nation theory” – the foundation of Pakistan among students through the motivational philosophy of Iqbal and strengthen their belief in the message “Faith, Unity and Discipline” as bequeathed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Positive Pakistan team believes that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Our mission
Revolutionary movement in its momentum, our mission is to change the current environment of negativity in the society, emphasize positive role of media and to enlighten youth with our heritage, trust within, character-building & learn our basic values as taught by our parents and elders.
What do we do......?
Learning from our past, we promote innovation, creativity by having open discussion forums, seminars/webinars, leadership workshops, study tours, recreational programs plus intra and inter provincial conferences to spread the message of Allama Iqbal and Quid-e-Azam. As some poet suggested:
“Shikwa e Zulmat e Shab Se Tou Kahin Behter Tha,
Apnay Hissay ki Ik Shama Jalatay Jatay”
Young Leadership Summit
Positive Pakistan has initiated a country-wide youth empowerment movement organizing a series of conferences titled “Young Leaders Summit” in major cities. The objective of these conferences is to instill leadership, provide mentoring and promote our past and patriotism in Pakistani youth. Eminent scholars, celebrities and world-class leaders frequently inspire participants with their experience.
Young Intellectuals Forum
Knowledge gives us wings … Young Intellectual Forum is an initiative of Positive Pakistan providing a platform to youth to interface with intellectuals, scientists and leaders with strata of expertise in open discussions benefitting from their scholarly ideas and views.
Young Readers Club
Today’s Readers – Tomorrow’s Leaders Young Readers Club is a platform where young readers get connected with our past heritage and rich history via books & audio visuals. Study circles of various interest are established where young members deliver presentations of their learning and findings from the past and present
Why Join Positive Pakistan?
The question is natural. We all know that in today’s competitive world much more training and skills are required then just a degree from a university. Today corporate Pakistan, multinational companies requires thinking and creative minds, innovative leadership skills with positive character enriched with national history and heritage. Positive Pakistan promises young minds an environment of open communication and opportunity to build their leadership skills with positive mind.
How do I become a member?
Simply completing an application form and adhering to the guidelines of positive Pakistan you can induct yourself to basic member ship that can accelerate through various phases and hierarchal levels according to one’s progress of learning and applying to daily life. Various membership phases are:
- Member
- Mission Holder
- Ambassador
- Rehbar
A member is promoted to higher level of membership, keeping in view their 4C’s:
- Character (Overall Positive)
- Commitment (Towards Cause)
- Contribution (In Volunteer Work)
- Conviction (Ideology)
Virtual Courses
Positive Pakistan also offers virtual courses that help youth undertake their character-building and ensure their mastery on important soft skills like:
- Leadership
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Effective Communication
- Interpersonal & Relationship
- Time Management
For further information & enrollment in the course, visit our website: www.positivepakistan.org
[content title="Report"]Report by: Anzar Nawaiz
Positive Pakistan

to this survey results one thing is clear that the environment in which
we are living right now is healthy overall. We are been blessed of
nature and there is hardly a place present where there isn’t any tree
present. People also get all the abundant blessings of healthy
environment by travelling to nearby parks and observing trees in their
daily routine. That is why our weather conditions don’t go that much
worse. Another good thing is that despite of moderate and densely
populated areas we are still having all that natural greenery. The only
thing is that we need to contribute to our environment by planting more
trees so not only to get more advantages but to also make our
environment better and a sustainable place to live in future.
[content title="About Us"]Positive Pakistan
Positive Pakistan is an organization meant for young leaders who are inspired the philosophy of Dr. Mohammad Iqbal – poet of the east. Its objective is to increase awareness of Iqbal’s “two nation theory” – the foundation of Pakistan among students through the motivational philosophy of Iqbal and strengthen their belief in the message “Faith, Unity and Discipline” as bequeathed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Positive Pakistan team believes that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Our mission
Revolutionary movement in its momentum, our mission is to change the current environment of negativity in the society, emphasize positive role of media and to enlighten youth with our heritage, trust within, character-building & learn our basic values as taught by our parents and elders.
What do we do......?
Learning from our past, we promote innovation, creativity by having open discussion forums, seminars/webinars, leadership workshops, study tours, recreational programs plus intra and inter provincial conferences to spread the message of Allama Iqbal and Quid-e-Azam. As some poet suggested:
“Shikwa e Zulmat e Shab Se Tou Kahin Behter Tha,
Apnay Hissay ki Ik Shama Jalatay Jatay”
Young Leadership Summit
Positive Pakistan has initiated a country-wide youth empowerment movement organizing a series of conferences titled “Young Leaders Summit” in major cities. The objective of these conferences is to instill leadership, provide mentoring and promote our past and patriotism in Pakistani youth. Eminent scholars, celebrities and world-class leaders frequently inspire participants with their experience.
Young Intellectuals Forum
Knowledge gives us wings … Young Intellectual Forum is an initiative of Positive Pakistan providing a platform to youth to interface with intellectuals, scientists and leaders with strata of expertise in open discussions benefitting from their scholarly ideas and views.
Young Readers Club
Today’s Readers – Tomorrow’s Leaders Young Readers Club is a platform where young readers get connected with our past heritage and rich history via books & audio visuals. Study circles of various interest are established where young members deliver presentations of their learning and findings from the past and present
Why Join Positive Pakistan?
The question is natural. We all know that in today’s competitive world much more training and skills are required then just a degree from a university. Today corporate Pakistan, multinational companies requires thinking and creative minds, innovative leadership skills with positive character enriched with national history and heritage. Positive Pakistan promises young minds an environment of open communication and opportunity to build their leadership skills with positive mind.
How do I become a member?
Simply completing an application form and adhering to the guidelines of positive Pakistan you can induct yourself to basic member ship that can accelerate through various phases and hierarchal levels according to one’s progress of learning and applying to daily life. Various membership phases are:
- Member
- Mission Holder
- Ambassador
- Rehbar
A member is promoted to higher level of membership, keeping in view their 4C’s:
- Character (Overall Positive)
- Commitment (Towards Cause)
- Contribution (In Volunteer Work)
- Conviction (Ideology)
Virtual Courses
Positive Pakistan also offers virtual courses that help youth undertake their character-building and ensure their mastery on important soft skills like:
- Leadership
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Effective Communication
- Interpersonal & Relationship
- Time Management
For further information & enrollment in the course, visit our website: www.positivepakistan.org
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