writer: Javairia Abbas
Positive Pakistan - Lahore Chapter
[fquote style="right"]"Dr. Edhi has thus become an inspiration for those who hold an idea of creating something Bigger. "[/fquote]
It is definite that dr. Edhis journey would not have been ordinary to reach in his life time but What was that force which acted that after 57 years Edhi foundation has more than 7000 thousand workers including medical doctors ,nurses ,health care workers ,ambulance drivers and social activists with more than 250 Edhi centers .There are seventeen edhi homes for old women and men ,infants, homeless girls and boys and a home for animals and a home for animals, It was nothing but a strong belief in his will power, positive thinking and affective leadership.
writer: Javairia Abbas
Positive Pakistan - Lahore Chapter
Pearls of Pakistan
Pakistan is one of those countries of world that is consistently confronting problems and difficulties for its survival since it has been created but despite of all these hurdles it still is progressing day and night because the patriots of Pakistan keeps on nourishing its soil with their endless efforts and they always leave the world stunned with their exceptional intellect and struggle to bring out the best of Pakistan. let us call such personalities as “pearls of Pakistan” because they truly intensify its beauty by their positive and revolutionary notions which when they implemented practically, it changes the whole scenario. Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi is one of those pearls.
The renowned humanitarian and the most active and serving philanthropist Dr. Edhi is the former of Edhi foundation in Pakistan with its branches spread all over the world. Under his leadership he has established hospitals , ambulance services , clinics ,maternity homes ,mental asylums ,homes for physically handicapped ,blood banks ,orphanages ,adoption centers ,mortuaries ,shelters for run away, children and battered women ,schools ,nursing courses and soup kitchens .The wide network of his social work and services provides the most needy and helpless people with hope ,care and vision for restarting their lives and living it with will power and positive thinking of bringing a change.
Dr. Edhi has thus become an inspiration for those who hold an idea of creating something Bigger. He has earned a reputation as being the most selfless and honorable human being. He has received various recognitions like national and international awards including an honorary degree of Doctorate from “the institute of business administration”. Any revolution has never started at magnum scale it always grows from a humble but firm belief that motivates one to take a start similarly Dr.Edhi incepted his humanitarian work in 1951 from an eight foot dispensary in Mithadar , Karachi.

Dr. Edhi has approached eighty five years of his age in December 2015.His life s work restores out flickering faith in humanity and his example inspire us towards making personal revolution so that collective spirit may be strengthened . He is loved ,admired and has numerous followers who share his vision and objectives voluntarily .It would not be an exaggeration to say that if people like him keep empowering Pakistan and beautifying it with their patriotic efforts like a pearl adds beauty and worth to the one who possess it ,a day will come when Pakistan would be a reflection of Iqbals dream.
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